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Virtual Career Fest

Virtual vs Live live vs virtual Why is that even a question in a time of advancing societal technologies? Explore what we can and work with what works out and do what doesn't tire us and reach for what we plan on reaching. My quest to providing students with opportunities of growth gets strengthened even more when I see the impact an opportunity provided  on my students face. The instant high, the undying spirit to share what is learnt beyond current constraints and recognition from a willing adult... Hosting a virtual Career Fest for my students, my girls, is one of numerous ways I want my students to see where their learning leads to. As a tech and language educator, it's important that what I do with them is real to their contexts, currently and beyond. Meeting young professionals willing to share their passion for what they do on a daily is the goal for this project. I am also looking forward to projects to follow thereafter... Ibuzwa Kwabaphambili.
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Hi I am #YoursInEducation. I am passion and purpose: a seeker, utiliser, sharer and creator of opportunities for lear ning. Abolishing the stigma: teachers are but products of circumstances which led them to this career; "It was never the plan!" NontokozoAlliciaThango

Advocating for Digital Storytelling

Advocating for Digital Storytelling In line with EdTechTeam 2019 theme #Create Join me through a journey of CREATING a Digital Storytelling Platform for students...stories real to their contexts.  Looking deep and around me... A storytelling exercise to allow you to tell your story or journey to where you are right now. Be it emotionally, socially, educationally or is up to you. The idea is that the story be told through the use of an APP, chrome/windows enabled APP. APPLICATION/WEBSITE LINKS Book Creator CSFirst Google Blogger We Video Google Sites


Mah Thango A RAISIN IN THE SUN Lorraine Hansbery A raisin in the sun; play by Lorraine  Hansberry inspiration Harlem BY  LANGSTON HUGHES What happens to a dream deferred?       Does it dry up       like a raisin in the sun?       Or fester like a sore—       And then run?       Does it stink like rotten meat?       Or crust and sugar over—       like a syrupy sweet?       Maybe it just sags       like a heavy load.        Or does it explode? This was one of my first reads in undergrad for an English module called me a to analyse a reflect on self and society.    What did you do when your dreams were deterred and you...

Exams, invigilation and marking.

When you look at planning for your teaching,  putting the teaching plan into practice, assessing knowledge gained and marking assessments; marking takes the hat for some, the pre-planning does it for others while the process in between planning and assessing does it for others; it exposes one to a variety of learning  and teaching styles and calls for flexibility which is a concept many are yet to grasp... The most tedious of all jobs. One job that would make a teacher quit until its over and come back to share knowledge again. A lot question the professions to be soothed back to it by the long holiday break, fully paid that goes with it. We asked a few teachers how they felt about the exam session. Teacher 1: it is part of the package. Stressful and straining, time consuming yes, but who is going to if not the person who sets? Teacher 2: I love teaching, ask me to do anything but mark. It is strenuous, physically and emotionally. Imagine teaching so much...

Spring summit

To Whom Much Has Been Given, Much Is Required. Inanda prides itself in being humble receivers and givers. We spring into action with sessions sharing classroom hacks, high tech to low tech and some requiring no technology integration. Sharing what is learn is a skill. May we be long life learners and progressive collaborators.  Below is a number of hacks shared is session A 1. AGENDA 2. SCHEDULE 3. KAHOOT 4. FLIPPITY 5. GOOGLE CLASSROOM These are all current and relevant means of making learning meaningful for both teachers and learners. 

Aspiring Building Collaborating

Apriring Building Collaborating Axis summit 2018 Wits Education Campus We made pacts MINE: I will introduce, expose, train and mentor. I presented:  Student online presence QUOTES ARISING FROM THE PRESENTATION: The more alternatives we give students the more responsible their online presence becomes. @ ThangoLee Our 'curriculum vitaes' should be works of and for processes of learning and products started during our schooling years going beyond. @ThangoLee IMPLICATIONS OF STUDENT ONLINE PRESENCE: Creating online progressive portfolios Controlling what employers find about your professional and educational credentials Moving from traditional CVs Follow up on the traditional KEEP RECORDS MAKE LEARNING WORTHWHILE