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Sharing progressive learning and teaching skills

Through teaching languages and through Google educational suite I realised that simply getting a 100% for an assigned task wasn't enough and that the work done by students needs further recognition. It can't just end with my red pen, ticks or mark.

What happens to all those documents reflecting on social issues, the poem the songs created, the essays written? How can we teach and learn progressively and empowering students as they grow in our hands: future focused learning?
#GlobalEducator #FutureOrientedLeader #AgentOfChange

Future oriented learning and teaching trends

  • Mindful behaviour

  • Collaborative

  • Blended

  • Thinking skills

  • Entrepreneurial

  • Teacher development

  • Publishing
  • Reading and Writing

  • Techno integrating

  • Active Learning and teaching

  • Innovative

  • Inquiry based learning


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